How Angel Numbers Guide Your Soul’s Journey

Understanding the Hidden Messages in Everyday Numbers and Their Role in Personal Transformation

Have you ever noticed a number sequence that seemed to follow you everywhere?

Maybe you keep seeing 111, 444, or 808—on receipts, license plates, or even in the timestamps of your emails. It’s easy to dismiss them as coincidences, but what if they were something more?

I see numbers all day long—dates, amounts, quantities—the usual stuff that helps us navigate the world. But here’s something fascinating: numbers, just like humans, carry an unseen energy field.

This morning, I opened my email, and in big, bold numbers, I saw the date: 2.05.2025 (That’s today!). Bam! Bop! Boop! My being-ness told me to pay attention to this number and I knew I needed to share this wisdom with you.

How Angel Numbers First Entered My Life

My awareness of angel numbers started back in 2011, when my life was what I lovingly call cray-cray.

  • My first marriage was crumbling.

  • I was diving back into grad school after 25 years away (there's those numbers again!).

At a time when everything felt uncertain, angel numbers became my lifeline. Their messages felt like cosmic winks from the universe, guiding me forward when I needed reassurance the most.

That’s when I found Joanne Sacred Scribes—a website that deciphers angel numbers. (I don’t personally know Joanne, but we’ve been orbiting together for over a decade now via the internet!)

When numbers grabbed my attention, I looked them up. And time after time, the messages were spot on—so much so that I couldn’t ignore them.

But what makes certain numbers stand out? That’s where numerology comes in.

The Power of Numerology & Number Patterns

Numbers are more than just digits—they carry energy and meaning. In numerology, numbers often appear in sequences or repetitions, each holding a unique vibrational frequency. When we repeatedly see a specific number pattern, it’s a message from the universe, urging us to pay attention.

For example, if we take today’s angel number 2.05.2025, we can break it down:

  • There are three 2’s (2, 2, and 2) and two 5’s (5 and 5).

  • 2 Represents divine life purpose and soul mission. It’s all about faith and trust. Seeing it three times (222) amplifies this message.

  • 222 - A powerful vibration of trust, patience, and knowing that everything is working out behind the scenes.

  • 5 Symbolizes life lessons, major transitions, and big changes coming. Seeing it twice (55) strengthens the theme of transformation.

  • 55 - Encourages you to release the old to make space for something new. Big shifts are ahead!

  • 25 - A nudge from the universe to embrace change because new opportunities will align you with your soul’s purpose.

Seeing these numbers today is no coincidence—it’s a call to action.

Angel Numbers and My Own Transformation

Lately, these themes of trust, transition, and alignment have been showing up everywhere in my life. My life purpose and soul mission is top of mind, I've taken quite a bit of risk over the past month to live on purpose.

As a Human Design Manifestor, I've been making some bold moves—hiring new team members, letting go of what no longer serves me, and completely realigning my approach to serving others.

This shift hasn’t been easy. It’s taken deep trust, a willingness to step into the unknown, and a belief that the universe always has my back.

If this resonates with you, you might be experiencing your own energetic shift too.

How to Start Working with Angel Numbers

If you’re new to angel numbers but feel drawn to them, here’s where to start:

1. Notice the Patterns

Do you keep seeing the same number over and over? Pay attention. The universe is trying to communicate with you.

For me, it’s 808 and 818—my personal sign that I’m on the right path. When I see it, it feels like a wink from the universe.

2. Trust What Grabs Your Attention

Some numbers won’t mean anything to you, while others will demand to be noticed. When a number jumps out at you, look it up.

These messages often appear exactly when we need them, offering guidance, reassurance, or even a loving challenge to level up.

The Beauty of Angel Numbers

Living life is tricky, and connecting to God, Universe, Spirit - whatever resonates with you - is crucial. These connections help us tap into our own higher selves, our true selves, where all our answers are found. Angel numbers are just one beautiful reminder that we're not alone. They're evidence of our connection to the unseen energy of the divine.

If you're feeling called to explore how these divine messages can guide your personal transformation, I invite you to join me for a 1:1 New Year Intensive.

Together, we'll blend traditional therapy with energetic healing, creating a powerful space for you to decode your soul's unique numerical patterns and create a pathway to profound healing and alignment.

Remember, when the student is ready, the numbers appear. Are you seeing them too?

Love & Expansion ,



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